There are no anomalies in God's universe, except what sin has made; his word of command made all things good. the inward parts; and which, as he has promised to carry on and God to be praised. The psalmist, in this psalm, I. Psalm 33 - Let the godly sing for joy to the LORD; it is fitting for the pure to praise him. Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Jul 28, 2020. based on 1 rating. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. חסד is an accusative, as in Psalm 119:64 : misericordia Domini plena est terra (the introit for Misercordias Sunday or the second Sunday after Easter). his works of creation are done in the truth of things, with the power, wisdom, and goodness: his works of providence are Rejoicing--the soul of praise; the Lord--a wellspring of joy. These verses develop the thought in Psa_33:4 that His Word and work are reliable. Because God spoke, Creation came into existence. Section 2 (33:10-19) praises Yahweh as the one who watches or oversees all human effort. First the psalmist spoke of the power of the word of the Lord in Creation (Psa_33:6-9). - Tr.). This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. And all his works are done in truth - Or rather, "in faithfulness." Thankful praise is the breath and language of holy joy. Psalm 33 Commentary God’s Word and Works. He doth not only approve the true and the just, but his inmost soul delights therein. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Psalm 33. And of course, there’s nothing new about God’s word for us – in a … The confidence of God's people in his name, their happiness, and petition Ps 33:20-22. Proud member He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. utmost exactness and accuracy, and are a wonderful display of his wisest and best manner; and his work of redemption is a proof of Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. The psalm tells people to praise God with harp, lute and trumpet. Characteristic of Bible to place moral attributes in the foreground, as chief reason for "rejoicing in the Lord." An exhortation to praise God Ps 33:1-3. 33:4 The word - All God's counsels and commands are wise, and just, and good. For the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. "Why should I complain of want or distress. Psalm 33:4 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Psalm 33:4, NIV: "For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does." makes men right when it works effectually in them; it engages Whatever God has ordained must be good, and just, and excellent. His work is the outflow of his word, and it is true to it. For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. Psalm 33:4 Translation & Meaning. He does all that he promises, and all that he does is such as to claim universal confidence. Psalm 33:4 NIV Psalm 33:4 NLT Psalm 33:4 ESV Psalm 33:4 NASB Psalm 33:4 KJV Psalm 33:4 Psalm 33:4 Biblia Paralela Psalm 33:4 Chinese Bible Psalm 33:4 French Bible Psalm 33:4 Clyx Quotations OT Poetry: Psalm 33:4 For the word of Yahweh is right (Psalm Ps Psa.) are holy, just, and good; its sanction or penalty is righteous; it is impartial unto all; it is just in condemning the wicked, None, however they may be affected by what he does, have any reason to doubt that it is perfectly right. Praise the LORD with melodies on the lyre; make music for him on the ten-stringed harp. "For the word of the Lord is right." Sin, on the other hand, is infinitely abhorrent to the Lord, and woe unto those who die in it; if he sees no righteousness in them, he will deal righteously with them, and judgment stern and final will be the result. Psalms 33:8 Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. Whatever he does is, from the very fact that He does it, worthy of the confidence of all his creatures. All rights reserved. For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. (Verses like Psalms 19:8) Psalms 119:75 - I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. For the word of the LORD holds true, and we can trust everything he does. | … in truth; and the whole of this is a reason why the saints should (Note: We have adopted the word "praiseworthiness" for the sake of conciseness of expression, in order to avoid an awkward periphrasis, in the sense of being worthy to be praised. 33:1-11 Holy joy is the heart and soul of praise, and that is here pressed upon the righteous. 20-22 with a statement of response and petition, a minor adaptation of the typical hymnic form. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. 3. Gospel part of the word is right; it publishes right and good Every endowment we possess, should be employed with all our skill and earnestness in God's service. "The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord." The psalm concludes in vv. Section 1 (33:4-9) calls forth praise based on the greatness of Yahweh. righteousness, by which it is magnified and made honourable: the The righteousness of Jesus is peculiarly dear to the Father, and for its sake he takes pleasure in those to whom it is imputed. Psalm 119:75. and in acquitting believers on the account of Christ's perfect Psalm 33:4, KJV: "For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth." Furnishes us with matter for praise. צדקה is righteousness as conduct; משׁפּט is right as a rule of judgment and a state or condition. Whole Psalm. God is the only Being of whom we have any knowledge, concerning whom we can feel this certain assurance. ( A) and true; ( B) he is faithful. 20 Our soul waits for the LORD, he is our help and shield. For the word of the Lord is right. them to walk in right ways; and its doctrines are right or plain Rejoice in the LORD : “Calling upon the saints to be cheerful; and indeed there is hardly any duty more pressed in the Old and New Testament, or less practised.” (Trapp) "Forgive" means "GIVE our sin to Jesus to carry AWAY". Titus 1:2. in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began. Psalm 33:4. to them that have a spiritual understanding given them; and all His ordinances both natural, moral, and spiritual, are right, and especially his incarnate Word, who is the Lord our righteousness. It happens when he forgives them. and his work of grace upon the hearts of his people is truth in In the Greek Septuagint version of the bible, and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate, this psalm is Psalm 32 in a slightly different numbering system. Psalms 19:8 - The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. What God decrees, happens. and all his works are done in truth; his works of creation are done in the truth of things, with the utmost exactness and accuracy, and are a wonderful display of his power, wisdom, and goodness: his works of providence are according to the counsel of his own will, and are done in the wisest and best manner; and his work of redemption is a proof of his veracity and faithfulness to his covenant oath and promise; and his work of grace upon the hearts of his people is truth in the inward parts; and which, as he has promised to carry on and finish, he is faithful and will do it; in short, his way of acting both towards the godly and ungodly agrees with his promises to the one and his threatenings to the other, and so is in truth; and the whole of this is a reason why the saints should praise the Lord. This Psalm is eucharistic: the contents are: 1. What Psalm 33 means. according to the counsel of his own will, and are done in the Psalms 33:4. Today we would probably use guitar, piano and trumpet. Psalm 33:4(NASB) Verse Thoughts All those that have been born from above and have been clothed in the righteousness of Christ our Saviour are called by our great Creator God, to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness - to sing joyful praises to Him with our lips and in our hearts. Praise befits the upright. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33 is the 33rd psalm from the Book of Psalms. The revealed word of God: the law of God is right; its precepts are holy, just, and good; its sanction or penalty is righteous; it is impartial unto all; it is just in condemning the wicked, and in acquitting believers on the account of Christ's perfect righteousness, by which it is magnified and made honourable: the Gospel part of the word is right; it publishes right and … ( C) in all he does. A scripture illustration of the bible verse Psalm 33:4-5. --Adam Clarke. Holy joy is the heart and soul of praise, and that is here pressed upon the righteous. finish, he is faithful and will do it; in short, his way of David grieves that sinful man has ceased to be wise and good. things; it directs to the right way, to heaven and happiness; it Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings! Whatever God has ordained must be good, and just, and excellent. The heirs of salvation, I know from his word, Through much tribulation must follow their Lord.". Tags: sunrise, faithful, righteousness, justice: Description: Inspirational illustration of Psalm 33:4-5 -- The word of … God writes with a pen that never blots, speaks with a tongue that never slips, acts with a hand which never fails. The revealed word of God: the law of God is right; its precepts his veracity and faithfulness to his covenant oath and promise; Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. All God’s counsels and commands, whether contained in the Scriptures, or given forth in his providence, for the government of the world, are wise, and just, and good, without deceit or defect. What does this verse really mean? this is matter of joy and praise; and all his works [are done] in truth; Separation Of Church And State. He neither doth nor saith anything ill; in deed and speech he agrees with himself and the purest truth. In Psalm 36 David bemoans men's wickedness before contrasting it with the loving-kindness and great goodness of God. "He loveth righteousness and judgment." The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. What a God we serve! Psalm 33:4 "For the word of the LORD [is] right; and all his works [are done] in truth." 21 For in him our hearts rejoice; in his holy … Only God can make people righteous. Psalms 33:4-5 NIV For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Bless his name. promises to the one and his threatenings to the other, and so is His ordinances both natural, moral, and spiritual, are right, and especially his incarnate Word, who is the Lord our righteousness. The first part (Psalms 33:4-16) of the main body; reasons why God is so to be praised (Psalms 33:1) - namely, for His truth, righteousness, creating, sustaining, and all-controlling power. Even the pathless desert blazes with some undiscovered mercy, and the caverns of ocean conceal the treasures of love. Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. When we look at his word of promise, and remember its faithfulness, what reasons have we for joy and thankfulness! This note is picked up on in Psalm 33, almost as if its first three verses were written as an elaboration of Psalm 32:11.” (Boice) ii. The body of the psalm can be divided into two sections. Verses 1 – 3: The word "shout" also means "sing" in Hebrew. 2. That is, All that he does is executed faithfully. Complete Concise Chapter Contents. Content. If earth be full of mercy, what must heaven be where goodness concentrates its beams? The Steadfast Love of the LORD - Shout for joy in the LORD, O you righteous! Verse 1. Sing a new song of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy. Verse 4. Sin is doing wrong things. For the word of the Lord [is] right. 4 For the word of the Lord is right. To act truth as well as to utter it is divine, let not children of God ever yield their principles in practice any more than in heart. Earth might have been as full of terror as of grace, but instead thereof it teems and overflows with kindness. The character of God is a sea, every drop of which should become a wellhead of praise for his people. Calls upon the righteous to praise God . Jun 21, 2020 - For the word of the LORD is upright, And all His work is done in faithfulness. (Psalms 33:4, Psalms 33:5.) His ordinances both natural, moral, and spiritual, are right, and especially his incarnate Word, who is the Lord our righteousness. 4 For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. Psalm 33:4 "For the word of the Lord is right." The more we know of him, the more our better natures approve his surpassing excellence; even his afflicting works are according to his truthful word. In verse 4, the psalmist says that we should thank and praise the Lord for His word, but also because all His work is done in faithfulness. (c) That is, counsel or command in governing the world. His word is ישׂר, upright in intention, and, without becoming in any way whatever untrue to itself, straightway fulfilling itself. The arguments to enforce the duty Ps 33:4-19. Psalms 33:4-5 KJV For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth. So after developing the theme of Gods word (33:6-12), he now shows that God does not work through mans strength or schemes (33:13-17), but rather through those who fear and trust in Him (33:18-19). praise the Lord. The theory and the practice of right he intensely loves. Salem Media Group. On אהב, equivalent to אהב הוּא, vid., Psalm 7:10; Psalm 22:29. 5 He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. "And all his works are done in truth." In verse 2 we are told to “praise the Lord with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.” There are those who oppose the use of musical instruments in worship, but this psalm should caution us against such dogmatism. He laments that there is no respect or reverence toward the Lord in the eyes of fallen man, whose heart is filled with deceit and who boasts in his own wickedness. So, here’s one reason to praise the Lord – it’s God’s word and works in verse 4. Psalm 33 contains the first reference in the book of Psalms to using musical instruments in the worship of God. A poet would have put first (what here comes second) the splendour and variety of God's works. What Does Psalm 33 Mean. (12-22) Commentary on Psalm 33:1-11 (Read Psalm 33:1-11). of This is a psalm of praise; it is probable that David was the penman of it, but we are not told so, because God would have us look above the penmen of sacred writ, to that blessed Spirit that moved and guided them. 0 0 † John M † Lv 7. I know, O Lord, that your rules are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me. For the word of the Lord [is] right His works - All his works of providence agree with his word, and are the accomplishment of his promises or threatenings. From the midge in the sunbeam to leviathan in the ocean all creatures own the bounty of the Creator. 10 years ago. There is no lie in God's word, and no sham in his works; in creation, providence, and revelation, unalloyed truth abounds. Denomination: Baptist. Whatever God has ordained must be good, and just, and excellent. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Psalm 33:4, ESV: "For the word of the LORD is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness." acting both towards the godly and ungodly agrees with his Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. A philosopher, the infinity, eternity, absolute existence of God. There are no anomalies in God's universe, except what sin has made; his word of command made all things good. 5 The Lord loves righteousness and justice; ( D) II. (1-11) His people encouraged by his power. Come hither, astronomers, geologists, naturalists, botanists, chemists, miners, yea, all of you who study the works of God, for all your truthful stories confirm this declaration. Foremost stands His truth, or faithfulness to His promises. Religious songs are proper expressions of thankful praise. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. He who cannot see it, and yet lives in it as the fish lives in the water, deserves to die. His every act is an act in אמוּנה, truth, which verifies the truth of His word, and one which accomplishes itself. Source(s): (a) as the God of revelation in the kingdom of Grace. Psalm 33:4 says, “For the word of more Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalms 33:4, Revelation 22:18-19. 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